Smart News Ideas & Innovations

Is This the World’s Tiniest Car?

This super tiny car, designed only for cities, could help fill the holes in public transportation at city edges

A clearly lit fridge is key for late night snacking. But what about the freezer?

Why Does the Refrigerator Have a Light and the Freezer Doesn’t?

One of life's great mysteries finally solved. Or at least pondered

Robot Apocalypse Inches Closer as Machines Learn To Install Solar Panels

Not contented with the prospects of a mechano-libertarian post-apocalyptic wasteland, scientists are working on robots that can harness energy

You could improve your aim, or you could improve your trash can.

Kinect Hack Lets You Sink Every Shot, Every Time

For those who can never hit the trash can with their little wads of paper, never fear, Kinect can help

The U.S.S. Nimitz

Navy’s Plan To Go Green Is Falling Apart

The US Navy had a bold plan to redesign its fleet to operate on renewable energy, a plan that may be falling apart

The left vehicle shows the twin Spirit and Opportunity rovers, the center machine is the Sojourner rover, and the car-sized Curiosity is on the right.

NASA (and XBox Gamers) Prepare for Terrifyingly Hard Mars Landing

3 Ways Emergency Preparedness Is Like Wedding Planning

Last week, the CDC released its Wedding Day Survival Plan, a document which reads like a natural disaster preparedness checklist

Clean Energy Can Come From Dirt

Forget wind, solar and even seaweed. Renewable energy is getting down and dirty...with dirt!


Thinking About Your Own Demise Inspires Environmentalism

Easter Island Drug Makes Mice Happier, Smarter


New Robot Eliminates Only Jobs Left – In the Service Sector

Carnegie Mellon University has developed a robot that can fill the gap of the absent salesperson


The Genetic Engineering Plan to Turn Trees Black and Cool the World


Virtual Pigeon Attracts, Baffles Randy Males

How Spray-On Everything Could Radically Transform Manufacturing

Hemingway’s Old Man Inspires Shark Oil for HIV Vaccine

Eddi Tornberg’s self-powering desk

Body Heat From Your Seat Can Juice Your Laptop


Things That Are Surprisingly New: Forks, Lunch, Huge Drinks


With No Human Supervision, 16,000 Computers Learn to Recognize Cats


Twitter Bot, “Injured,” Garners Sympathy from “Friends”


Bike-Powered Helicopter Smashes World Record, Flies for Almost a Minute

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