Underneath a rock slab which rests on dozens of narrow stilts researchers have found the world's oldest stone axe, and a vast collection of painted artwork
A few highlights of death on New York City's subways over the years
No one knows exactly what's hidden in a giant warehouse in Sweden, but everyone agrees that it's really, really valuable
A few highlights of coverage celebrating Amelia Earhart's 115th birthday
July 24th marks double jackpot for the intrepid explorers of years past as well for as fans of the latest photographic trend, "ruin porn."
In 1957, five Air Force officers volunteered (and one cameraman was voluntold) to stand directly below a mid-air detonation of a 2-kiloton nuclear warhead
Nazis are known for their heinous wartime crimes and tactics. Now, exploding chocolate can be added to that list, as revealed by a 60-year-old letter
An advertisement issued by some brilliant London entrepreneurs may well be the first coffee ad ever
3,000 year old bodies discovered in a bog turned out not to be two bodies at all. The skeletons are stitched together from the remains of six individuals
To the ancient Greeks, just like today, picking a name for your new pup was an important step. But the process was a little more peculiar back then
Archaeologists working in northern Germany may have found one of the most important cities in Viking history—Sliasthorp, where once sat Scandanavian kings
July 5th, 1946 is classically regarded as the birth date of what we now call the bikini. But that version of history misses the long view
In the early 1940s, in the years after the country had entered World War II, American government had a particular interest in keeping workers on the job
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