Smart News Science


Baseball Played Near The Speed of Light: An Apocalyptic Vision

An American flag waving in Andover, Maine. This was the first video ever transmitted by commercial satellite.

Fifty Years Ago, Lyndon Johnson Answered the First Satellite Phone Call

Telstar 1, which launched 50 years ago today, was the world's first commercial satellite, and a testament to government-industry cooperation


Why Store-Bought Popsicles Drip Less

Just in time for another scorching July day, the history of the modern popsicle - and why the store-bought ones are less drippy than the DIY kind


How Do Animals Perceive the World?

Scientists demonstrate how animals view the world, and why their vision influences the way they look


This One Beautiful Video Sums Up All of Space Shuttle History


Synthetic Bacteria Could Turn Ocean Garbage into One Big Island

New Gene Provides Link Between Stress and Depression

How Our Food System Could Be Radically Better in 2032


Quantum Computing Now At Least Vaguely Plausible

More than 18,000 acres burned in Waldo Canyon.

Here’s What $110 Million in Fire Damage Looks Like

The Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado was the most destructive in the state's history


North Carolina Rep Pushes Wrong Button and Approves Fracking in the State

Fracking can go ahead in North Carolina, all because one tired legislator pushed the wrong button

Goodness gracious, a great ball of fire

17 Minutes of Fireworks Go Off in 15 Seconds

Yesterday, in the San Diego Bay, a fireworks show meant to last 17 minutes went off in 15 seconds


U.S. & Europe are Hotspots for Deadly Emerging Diseases

Frog Daddy Raises Babies in Throat, Spits Them Out When Ready

The blue marble

Beautiful New Earth-From-Space Footage from NASA


Physicists Pin Down New Particle, Won’t Quite Call It the Higgs


To Store Sunlight in Air, Just Add Water


Stick Bugs Have Sex for Two Months Straight

Yes. They can. Two-plus months. Or, more specifically, 79 days, says pseudonymous entomologist--blogger Bug Girl


Chimps Celebrate the End of a Research Era

Every recorded earthquake of magnitude 4 of higher since 1898

100 Years of Earthquakes On One Gorgeous Map

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