The newly restored "Charing Cross Bridge," which once hung in the politician's drawing room, is now on display at London's Courtauld Gallery
Experts say that the trove of silver currency is official treasure and includes coins from England and Ireland
A $1 million grant from the U.S. is the latest effort to support Ukraine's fight to preserve its rich past
At the site known as Oued Beht, archaeologists uncovered evidence of a large farming settlement where people used advanced techniques
The USS <em>Stewart</em> was purposefully sunk off the coast of California after the war
Researchers studying the ancient site of Fregellae reveal the consequences of challenging the Roman army
The show coincides with an initiative that will give away 49 of the tree's saplings to individuals and communities across the country
The long-term loan is the latest agreement Yemen has made with a museum in order to protect its cultural heritage amid ongoing civil war
Built by the Moche people in the seventh century, the stunningly painted space shows signs of heavy use, including an eroded throne and traces of human hair
The Kyoto museum will feature interactive exhibits, gaming artifacts, workshop spaces and oversized controllers inspired by iconic video games
The "John Evenson" tugboat was helping another ship enter the Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal in Wisconsin when it sank to the bottom of Lake Michigan in 1895
In 1964, a graduate student cut down a bristlecone pine in Nevada. The tree, now known as Prometheus, turned out to be nearly 5,000 years old
A new exhibition in New York City uses more than 200 texts and artifacts to contemplate Lincoln's rise to the nation's highest office
The Dutch seized the majority of the items in the aftermath of a brutal 1906 conflict that killed an estimated 1,000 Balinese
New research has revealed that the mysterious white substance found alongside three ancient mummies was once a soft cheese called kefir
As hundreds of motorists take to the desert, their tracks damage the massive geoglyphs made by Indigenous groups in northern Chile
Researchers recently identified James Fitzjames, a captain on the ill-fated HMS Erebus that went looking for the Northwest Passage in 1845
While no written records exist, new research has illuminated key details of the battle fought in northern Germany during the 13th century B.C.E.
The mysterious missive was written by P.J. Féret, who conducted an archaeological dig at the same site in northern France in 1825
In 1858, the mountain was named for a Confederate general. Now, it will once again be known as "Kuwohi"
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